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Student Finance Application Form

Bursary NameAcademic Year
Apprenticeship Travel Bursary24/25

This Bursary is intended to help apprentices with travel costs, the following criteria applies:

  • Have a confirmed offer (course and employer), or a live enrolment on a Bournemouth & Poole College Apprenticeship programme
  • Be eligible for funding as per the ESFA funding rules
  • Apprenticeship wage/salary is below £13,000
  • Family income must be less than £30,000
  • Applicants work address must be at least 3 miles from their home address

Value of Bursary: Distance between home address and placement paid at 20p per mile to a maximum of £30 per week.

Please attach evidence of income for all members of the household. This can be in the form of P60s, three months consecutive payslips, all pages of benefit letters etc (dated within 6 months).


  • Please only apply for financial support after you have accepted an offer or enrolled on a course at Bournemouth & Poole College
  • Enter your Student ID where possible and enter your name exactly as on your application/enrolment form
  • Answer all questions in English even if you have used the Translate function on the page
Student ID (if known)
Date of Birth
Work Placement Address
Work Placement Postcode


Please upload all pages of evidence required.

You can upload multiple files. Please select the type of document being uploaded from the supplied list. Then select a file to upload and click the Upload button.

Please ensure all files you wish to submit are listed in the table at the bottom of this section.

Type of Evidence
Upload File

Type of Evidence Notes Attachment Remove
No attachments uploaded yet

Payment Details

Sort Code
Account Number
Name on Account
Name of Bank/Building Society


Please read the following information and confirm that you understand these points

  • I declare that the information on this form is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I have made this claim for a Bursary payment, fully aware that any false statements can lead to withdrawal/refusal of any financial support and may lead to me being prosecuted.
  • I understand that if I refuse to provide information which may be relevant to my claim, the application will not be accepted.
  • I understand that monies I receive under the Bursary Scheme will be paid on condition of standards of attendance and behaviour, as detailed in the Student Finance Policy 2023-24.
  • I will attend regularly and complete the course for which my bursary is supporting me.
  • When changes to my household financial circumstances occur (which may result in changes to my claim), I will notify the college immediately.
  • I will notify the college immediately with any changes to my Bank/Building Society details.
  • I understand that monies I receive under the Bursary Scheme have been awarded to provide me with financial support to allow me to continue learning, and if I leave all financial support will stop.
  • I understand that the monies I receive for travel, is to be used for travel only.
  • I understand that I do not have an automatic entitlement to Bursary payments, and all payments are based on the information I have provided.
  • I understand that I have the right to appeal if I disagree with the outcome of my Bursary Application. This appeal should be made to the Head of Student Inclusion and Support within 14 days of receipt of award letter, but if I feel I have not been treated fairly, I can follow the College's Complaints Policy.

The information you provide on this application form will be used for the purposes of supporting your education through the provision of funding via the Bournemouth and Poole College’s Student Finance Schemes as outlined in The College’s approved Student Finance Policy (FE). It will be shared internally within the college and externally to the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA). These organisations will collect and share this information with other organisations for the purposes of administration, careers and other guidance, statistical and research purposes. In signing this application form you give your consent to the use of your personal data in this way.


Please make certain that all questions have been completed correctly and you have uploaded all of the pages of the correct evidence, which is in date. Failure to do this will result in a delay in being able to process the application.